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« Edellinen | Seuraava »

Pvm Tyyppi Turnaus Pelaaja Sijoitus Palkinto
06.02.18 offline IEM 2018 PyeongChang Serral 8. 6500 $
28.01.18 offline WCS 2018 Leipzig Serral 1. 20 000 $ + 3000 WCS-pst.
24.01.18 online SCVRush Open #106 ZhuGeLiang 2. 40$
10.01.18 online That Gauntlet Thing #13 ZhuGeLiang 2. 15$
07.01.18 online WCS 2018 Leipzig Challenger EU Serral 2. 1200 $ + 120 WCS-pst.
03.01.18 online That Gauntlet Thing #12 ZhuGeLiang 2. 15$
30.12.17 online Peopleimages StarCraft League Serral 3. 477 $
12.12.17 online SCVRush Open #103 ZhuGeLiang 1. 15$
11.12.17 online IEM 2018 PyeongChang N-Eu Qual Serral 1. Jatkopaikka
01.12.17 offline Nordic Championship 2017 Winter Serral 1. 25000 SEK
26.11.17 offline WESG 2017 EU Finals Serral 1. 18 000 $
18.11.17 offline StarCraft2.fi 7V. Cup Serral 1. 230 €
18.11.17 offline StarCraft2.fi 7V. Cup ZhuGeLiang 2. 120 €
18.11.17 offline StarCraft2.fi 7V. Cup PuPuh 3. 70 €
18.11.17 offline StarCraft2.fi 7V. Cup jagelius 4. 40 €
18.11.17 offline StarCraft2.fi 7V. Cup Protosser 6. 20 €
18.11.17 offline StarCraft2.fi 7V. Cup alluton 6. 20 €
31.10.17 online SCVRush Open #97 ZhuGeLiang 1. 15$
29.10.17 offline WCS 2017 Global Playoffs Serral 12. 14000 $
25.10.17 online That Gauntlet Thing #3 ZhuGeLiang 2. 15$

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« Edellinen | Seuraava »

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